I also got a new 430EX flash and it is a big step up from the 420EX and the Sigma flash I was using. The sigma did have manual and the 430EX does as well. You can tell which pics were flashed and I'm trying to the hang of using manual or E-TTL. It is a great flash.

I used the 430EX here and I think I had it on manual and I was too close and it is a big hot but I still think it is my best high school shot this year. The pic is going to run 4 1/2 columns in this week's Carlisle paper

Normally, when I shoot volleyball, I use my Alien Bee B400 flash and the pocketwizards but I didn't have time to set the flash up and tear it down before going to a jr. high football game. So, I shot with with the 430EX and it looks pretty good.

Same as above!

This is Hank Conger of the Arkansas Travelers -- a AA minor league team, which was hosting the Texas League Championship Series on Sept. 10. It was the first baseball I had shot since my mother died on July 28 so I was a bit rusty.

This was shot with the 70-200 2.8 and a 1.4 extender. I enjoy tennis but getting a clean background can be a challenge because of matches going on on other courts and there is no wind screen. Luckily, this match was being played on the end court so you can see cars in the background but they are blurred out pretty well.

I got this shot with the 70-200 and the 430EX flash. Not bad. It is one of the better shots I've taken this year. The defender was called for pass interference but the reciever held on for the ball anyway.
I'm going to try to update with a few new photos each week. That is my goal--at least.