Saturday, April 21, 2007

Shooting Raw

I shot a large high school track meet in Cabot on Thursday. It started at 4:30 and wasn't over until 11:30. It consisted of 80 teams and more than 1000 athletes.

I had to get photos of two specific athletes -- Cabot's Marissa De La Paz, who recently set a school in the 800 meters; and Lonoke's Kylon Boyd, who recently signed a track scholarship at the University of Central Arkansas.

Marrisa didn't run until late 8:30 p.m. and Kylon jumped in the finals of the triple jump at 8:10 p.m. and the lights at Cabot's football field are not good.

I shot the meet with a Canon 20D and 70-200 2.8L non-IS. I shot the pics on 3200 ISO and Raw format with small jpg.

For Marissa's photo, I exposed the photo at 1/400 sec., shooting near the finish line, which was illuminated by a shop work light so that the automatic timing camera could see the finishers. I took advantage of the light but was able to make the photos look better using Raw and the Canon Raw conversion software. The photo was underexposed by a stop and a half.

The photo on the left is the one shot in raw. The one at right is the jpg version.

As far as Kylon's triple jump photo, I shot it at 1/500 sec and it underexposed by approximately 2 stops but using raw, I was able to bring out the photo and set the white balance.

The photo on the left is the raw photo. The one on the right is the jpg.

I haven't used raw format much but it worked out well this time and gives me the confidence to do it again, possibly during football season when I don't want to use a flash.
Thanks for looking.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

New to blogging

I'm new to blogging but wanted to share with everyone about my photography.

I've been shooting pictures with an SLR camera since my 14th birthday in 1985 when I got my Canon AE-1 Program. I've been through so many cameras since then, including a Rebel II, Elan II, A2, D30, D60, 10D and now 20D. As you can see, I'm a Canon dude! Always have been...always will be.

Later on, I'll be showing and talking about my photography, which mainly includes sports action but I do some portraits, weddings and photojournalism. Let me know what you all think later on!
